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SVSD CCSS Information

Introduction to Common Core State Standards

We're glad you're here to learn more about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), how they affect your child's education, and how the District is managing the transition from our previous Washington State standards to the CCSS for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics.The Common Core State Standards outline grade level goals in math and English Language Arts (ELA) and Literacy for all K-12 students. The goals are designed to prepare students for the advanced math and literacy skills needed for college, career success and to compete in the global economy. The CCSS communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. Until now every state had different learning standards. The CCSS bring consistency among participating districts and states, and increase the rigor of the learning goals. 

This website contains links to various resources that will help you understand the transformative nature of the Common Core State Standards in American education and the changes you can expect in your child's classroom. We encourage you to explore these resources and continue the conversation with your child's teachers when you have questions.

Please explore the links on the left for more information about the learning standards used across all subjects in the Snoqualmie Valley School District and the changes to the Washington State assessment practices.

Start here for an informative and entertaining explanation of the Common Core State Standards.

Additional Resources

Great Kids!
This organization provides parents with concrete tips and ideas for improving student learning by grade and subject area. Of note, they have a helpful library of videos that show grade-by-grade reading, math, and writing skills in action.

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
The State of Washington has developed "Your Child's Progress" to help parents understand learning standards in all subjects from First grade through High School for the 2014-15 school year.  There is also detailed information, by grade level, about the schedule for State assessment windows.   Materials are available online and in print for English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Tagalog and Vietnamese. 

Common Core State Standards Initiative
This organization is where the state-led effort to develop common standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts all started.  The complete standards are available to read and download here.  This site also has a strong FAQ and an informative "Myths vs. Facts" section.

Ready WA Coalition
Ready Washington is a coalition of Washington state education agencies, associations and advocacy organizations that has created Common Core education materials tailored to parents and interested citizens who want to learn more about the history and rationale behind the state-led Common Core standards.  The Frequently Asked Questions section is very informative and there's also a link to a practice Smarter Balanced assessment.

Council of the Great City Schools
This organization of urban public school districts has created an extensive website on the Common Core State Standards. Their Parent Roadmaps provide specific information on what students will learn at grades Kindergarten through High School and how parents can help student learn outside of school.  Materials are available in English and Spanish.

National PTA
The National Parent Teacher Association created Parents' Guides to Student Success.  These guides provide an overview of what your child will learn by the end of each grade in mathematics and English language arts/literacy, activities that parents can do at home and methods for building stronger relationships with your child's teacher.